Site icon Theosophy ULT




We are the United Lodge of Theosophists in 2100 Deurne/Antwerpen, Belgium. Our lodge began as a ‘study group’ in 1935. Later it became an official Lodge. During the early years, meetings were held at students’ homes. Over the years, we rented several premises and now we have our own study and meeting room and library. There we hold our meetings and they can be followed on Zoom at the same time. All our study is done in Dutch.

Contact details:

Thea Deege 0032 478 441 279

Web address:


1.- Wednesday afternoon from 14:30 to 16:00: study in ‘the Secret Doctrine’

      of H.P.Blavatsky.

2.- Wednesday evening from 19:30 to 21:00 study in ‘Studies in the Bhagavad Gîta’     

      and ‘Letters that have helped me’ by W.Q Judge.

      Except for the 1st Wednesday of the month, then we deal with general questions

      about theosophy.

3.-  Sunday morning on every 2nd and 4th of the month from 11:00 to 12:15 lecture  

      with follow-up discussion.

To register for all our meetings on Zoom, contact:

The library is open by appointment.

Everyone is welcome! No fee or contribution required.

In the Netherlands, there is the Study Group Brabant in Etten-Leur with its fortnightly meetings on Monday evenings of the odd week numbers from

19:15 to 20:45h.

We meet at the Baai, Lukaserf 2 in Etten-Leur, Netherlands. Again, no contributions are required and everyone is welcome.

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