

The Ventura Group meets at people’s homes and online.   The group has completed a 5 year, once a month study of The Key to Theosophy which we did in person.  Since Covid hit all our meetings have gone online.

Contact Information:

Gerry Kiffe 805-499-9689

Web Address:


    • The Ventura Group meets at people’s homes and online. The group has completed a 5 year, once a month study of The Key to Theosophy. Since Covid all our meetings have gone online.

      Meetings are from 6-7:30 pm Thursdays From February to November. Hiatus every December and January

      • Thursday:     Four Once a Month Study Groups:  All Four Classes 5:30-7:00 pm  February – November (OL)

         1st Thursday: Monthly: Wisdom in the Arts: How, Why, Who and Where of Theosophical Philosophy

         2nd Thursday: Monthly:  Theosophical Therapeutics:  Return to Wholeness

         3rd Thursday: Monthly:  The Bhagavad-Gita

         4th Thursday: Monthly: Pillars of the Theosophical Philosophy



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